Keynote Speaker - Thursday Luncheon
Dr. Laurent Mbanda

Archbishop | Anglican Church of Rwanda
Dr. Laurent Mbanda was born in Rwanda and raised in Burundi, where he lived until he was 20. In 1970 he dedicated his life to Christ and felt God’s desire to make his life’s purpose to care for people in need. He followed God’s calling into international and Christian service, which propelled him to serve in various roles of leadership at Campus Crusade, Director of the African Fellowship Ministry at International Students Inc., Africa Director for Christian Aid Mission, Christian African Leadership Ministries, Inc., and Compassion International.
In 2005, after spending 21 years in the United States, Mbanda and his family returned to Rwanda, where he and Chantal cared for orphans at New Hope Homes, the ministry they founded. In 2010, Mbanda became Bishop of the Shyira Diocese in Northern Rwanda and now serves as Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda.
His ability to combine Biblical principles with business fundamentals has helped the Church become more sustainable with great impact on the lives of its members. His connections and relationships in the business world, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), churches, and Christian organizations, have provided Mbanda with the platform to advance the Gospel on many fronts.
Mbanda and his wife Chantal have been married more than 39 years, with four children and two grandchildren.